Wudang Kung Fu Bucuresti – WDP Romania
Wudang Kung Fu Bucuresti – WDP Romania

Maestrul Ismet Himmet si Wudang Principles in Bucuresti

romania-flagIn perioada 29 aprilie – 12 mai scoala noastra a avut onoarea de a fi vizitata de catre cei mai importanti profesori ai scolii WDP Germania, Austria si Marea Britanie si de catre Maestrul Ismet Himmet. english-flagBetween 29 April – 12 May our school had the honor of being visited by the most important teachers from WDP Germany, Austria, UK and by Master Ismet Himmet.
Acestia au participat la Campionatul European de Arte Martiale Interne organizat la Bucuresti, unde au fost medaliati cu doua medalii de aur si una de argint, iar apoi ni s-au alaturat pentru a participa activ la antrenamentele scolii noastre si a ne impartasi din experienta lor. They competed in the European Internal Martial Arts Championship which took place in Bucharest and were awarded 2 gold medals and one silver and afterwards they practiced with us to share their knowledge.
Intre 9-11 mai Maestrul Ismet Himmet a sustinut seminarul Fundamentals of Neijia Quan in care au fost prezentate pentru prima data in Europa o serie de tehnici si metode de antrenament avansat dedicate practicarii artelor martiale interne. On 9,10,11 of May the Fundamentals of Neijia Quan seminary was held by Master Ismet Himmet in which he presented for the first time in Europe techniques and advanced methods for the internal martial arts practice.
Puteti urmari cateva imagini surprinse pe parcursul seminarului in galeria de imagini dedicata acestuia, iar detaliile despre seminar le puteti gasi aici si in linkurile de mai jos. You can find some images taken during the seminar on the gallery page and more details about what it was about here and at the links below.
Acest eveniment a fost posibil datorita celui care conduce scoala Wudang Principles si este nu numai un maestru de exceptie ci si o persoana gata sa impartaseasca fara restrictii cunostintele sale si sa ii sustina pe cei care isi doresc sa ii urmeze calea. Acesta este unul dintre motivele pentru care in jurul lui graviteaza nu doar o scoala de arte martiale ci o familie care a este alaturi de noi. Multi dintre ei au fost prezenti la eveniment iar ceilalti au fost prezenti in gandurile noastre. This event was made possible by the person who is leading the Wudang Principles and who is not only an exceptional gongfu master but also one of the few willing to share his skill and knowledge and to support those who will follow his way. This is one of the reasons for which around him revolves not only a martial arts school but also a big family who is with us. Many of them were present at this seminary and the others are in our thoughts.
Multumiri speciale lui Raphael Hug, conducatorul WDP Berlin pentru sustinerea pe care ne-a aratat-o si campioanei europene SiMei Che, Daniel Ruppert, Sascha, Cristian and Stefan Strasser. Nu ii voi numi aici pe toti cei care au fost alaturi de noi dar cu siguranta ne vom revedea curand. Special thanks to Raphael Hug headteacher of WDP Berlin for his support not only with this occasion and to European goldmedalist SiMei Che, Daniel Ruppert, Sascha, Cristian and Stefan Strasser. I will not mention mention here everybody who was with us but I am sure we will meet again soon.
Galerie imagini Prezentare seminar Fundamentals of Nejiaquan
stagiu fundamentals of neijiaquan ismet himmet fundamentals of neijiaquan

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