Wudang Kung Fu Bucuresti – WDP Romania
Wudang Kung Fu Bucuresti – WDP Romania

Stagiu intensiv organizat de Wudang Kung Fu Bucuresti: Fundamentals of NeiJiaQuan


romania-flagCe este WDP

english-flagWhat is WDP

Ismet Himmet (numele daoist You Li Han), un practicant al artelor martiale pe tot parcursul vietii, a fondat Wudang Germany in ianuarie 2006, care este UNICA academie de arte martiale de acest fel din Europa. Ismet Himmet (daoist. You Li Han), a lifelong Martial Artist, established Wudang Germany in January 2006, which is maybe the ONLY Martial Academy his kind throughout Europe
In foarte scurt timp acest loc a devenit un centru de educatie de inalta clasa pentru instructori si profesori iar metoda de antrenament a convins practicanti de arte martiale din multe tari. Within very short time this place became a world wide renowned Spot for FIRST CLASS Instructorship / Teachers- Education Center and especially the Training-Method convinced Martial Arts Teachers out of many other Countries, and Cities.
Dupa exact 7 ani de la deschiderea Academiei din Berlin a fost fondata Sediul General Wudang Principles (WDP) in China asigurand antrenamente de inalta calitate pentru toate categoriile de cursanti, de la incepatori la practicanti avansati si terminand profesori de nivel inalt care si-au gasit o noua cale in WDP! Right 7 years after the first Academy in Berlin- Germany, the WUDANG PRINCIPLES (WDP) Headquarter in PR CHINA was found, providing high quality Martial Arts Training for all kind of People, starting from Beginners-Level through out Advanced Martial Artists & even high Level Martial Arts Instructors finding their way in WDP!
Punctul cel mai frapant din filozofia WDP este ca nu se persista pe aspectele superficiale ale artelor martiale in schimb se aprofundeaza Principiile pentru a intelege substratul, nu sunt studiate doar formele si aplicatiile dar si viziunea din spatele miscarilor. The most clear-out striking point of WDP Philosophy is, that we dont linger and stay-on on the Surface of Martial Arts but going deep into the PRINCIPLES, to understand the depth, without only going through Forms, and Applications, but understanding the VIEW behind the moves!
Oricine are mintea suficient de deschisa este binevenit in cadrul retelei de scoli WDP ce promoveaza artele martiale si ale vietii in intreaga lume! Everyone who is open-minded is welcome to our free Network promoting Martial & Life Arts throughout the world!
Inapoi la Pagina 1: Introducere Back to Page 1: Introduction
Inapoi la Pagina 2: Tematica stagiului Back to Page 2: Seminary Thematics
Inapoi la Pagina 3: Maestrul Ismet Himmet si WDP Back to Page 3: Master Ismet Himmet and WDP
Inapoi la Pagina 4: Conditii de participare, pret & bonusuri Back to Page 4: Seminary fee
Pagina 5: Ce este WDP Page 5: What is WDP

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