Wudang Kung Fu Bucuresti – WDP Romania
Wudang Kung Fu Bucuresti – WDP Romania

Stagiu intensiv organizat de Wudang Kung Fu Bucuresti: Fundamentals of NeiJiaQuan


Maestrul Ismet Himmetromania-flag

english-flagMaster Ismet Himmet

Primul strain care a deschis o „academie pentru antrenamentul sistematic al principiilor artelor martiale” in Wudang, China. First foreigner to open a „martial arts academy for the systematic training of martial arts principles” in the Wudang mountains of China.
Maestrul Ismet Himmet practica intens artele martiale inca din 1985. In anul 2000, fiind deja instructor de arte martiale Ismet Himmet a calatorit in China pentru a da un inceput nou si profund pregatirii sale intensive in artele martiale interne. A trait si a invatat in cadrul templelor si al academiilor pe parcursul a 5 ani si a studiat cu maestri de renume ai artelor interne. Since 1985 Ismet Himmet practices intensively martial arts. In the year of 2000, already trained as a martial arts instructor, Ismet Himmet travel to the PR China in order to restart profound serious intensive training of internal martial arts. In this time he lived and learned in monasteries and academies for 5 years with renouned masters of the internal arts.
De mai mult de 29 de ani Ismet Himmet s-a dedicat artelor martiale, iar in ultimii 13 ani atentia sa a fost indreptata strict asupra stilurilor interne. Dupa ce a fost primul european care a adus stilurile din Wudang in Germania intr-un mod sistematic si o abordare profunda, Ismet se reintoarce la locatia unde acestea isi au radacinile pentru a promova aceste arte in modul sau sistematic si profund. Dupa foarte putin timp de la deschiderea scolii din Germania, Ismet Himmet are deja studenti veniti din intreaga lume dar cel mai important lucru pentru el ca initiator si conducator al WDP este in continuare calitatea cunostintelor dobandite. Since more than 29 years Ismet Himmet has been devoted to martial arts, for the past 13 years purely to the internal styles. As the first European to bring the Wudang styles to Germany in a systematic and in-depth way, Ismet now returns back to the location of their roots in order to promote these arts again with a systematic and in-depth approach. Within very short time of teaching in Germany, Ismet Himmet has students from allover the world, the most important point for Ismet behind WDP is that the teaching and training is systematic and profound.
Pentru a oferi studentilor sai conditiile cele mai bune posibile pentru aprofundarea studiilor Ismet Himmet a deschis in 2011 Academia WDP de pe muntele Wudang si apoi in Hainan in 2014. To offer his long-term students the most possible profound training with best given environments Ismet opened the WDP China Academy in 2011 and the WDP Hainan Camp in 2014.
Scurta biografie | Short biography

1985-1989 First MA training – Karate
1989-1991 Training in Tae Kwon Do
1991-1999 Wing Tsun training
2000-2001 Training in China: Shaolin Gongfu & Wudang Red Sand Palm with Grandmaster Long Jin Ju (Wudang GM of the old generation)
2001 Start Intensive Wudang Pai in China as long-term student under GM You Xuan De (Abbot of the JinDing Temple during the 90′ and head of the Wudang Xuan Wu sect)
2005 GM You Xuan De takes Ismet as one of his inner circle Disciples of the 15th Generation (You Li Han)
2006 Established „Wudang Germany”
2007-2009 Seven times TaiJi Champion in a row (traditional hand forms and Wudang sword). Students of Ismet Himmet attending national and international push-hands competitions, introducing the unique SnakeCrane system for the first time to the West wich is basically the „lost” Wudang XuanWu specific tuishou; re-evolved by Ismet Himmet and gaining more than 10 gold medals within 3 championships (competing against taiji stylists like Chen, Wu, Sun, Yang and other Wudang styles) the Snake Crane System showed it’s effectiveness openly to the known taiji scene.
2010 Established internal MA School for Master Tang Li Long at Mt. Wudang
2011 Established WDP China and start teaching in China primarily
2012 Students won 7x gold, 1 silver, 1 bronze, 10 starters at the International Wudang Kung Fu Championships. Medals won for Baguazhang, Xingyiquan, Taijiquan and Wudang sword
2013 Again 10 medals for WDP China Team competing against China Pro’s in Southern China Fujian All China Traditional Championship. This time 7 gold, 3 silver
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Inapoi la Pagina 1: Introducere Back to Page 1: Introduction
Inapoi la Pagina 2: Tematica stagiului Back to Page 2: Seminary Thematics
Pagina 3: Maestrul Ismet Himmet si WDP (Wudang Principles) Page 3: Master Ismet Himmet and WDP (Wudang Principles)
Pagina 4: Conditii de participare, pret & bonusuri Page 4: Seminary fee
Pagina 5: Ce este WDP Page 5: What is WDP

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