Wudang Kung Fu Bucuresti – WDP Romania
Wudang Kung Fu Bucuresti – WDP Romania

Stagiu intensiv organizat de Wudang Kung Fu Bucuresti: Fundamentals of NeiJiaQuan

romania-flagConditii de participare

english-flagParticipation terms

Stagiul este deschis nu numai pentru cursantii WDKF ci si pentru practicantii altor scoli si pentru toti iubitorii de arte martiale in general. The seminary is open not only to the WDKF students but also for other school’s students and all martial arts fans.
Stagiul va fi sustinut in limba engleza de catre Maestrul Ismet, iar pentru cei cu dificultati de intelegere a limbii engleze se va asigura traducerea in limba romana. The seminary will be held in English by Master Ismet Himmet, but for those with poor English skills Romanian translation will be available.
Pe parcursul stagiului cursantii au datoria sa acorde respectul cuvenit Maestrului si sa asculte cu atentie explicatiile. During the seminary the students must listen carefully to all the Master’s teachings and advices and only manifest respectfully.
Nu este necesara adoptarea unei tinute traditionale anume, este suficienta imbracaminte & pantofi sport. Traditional clothing is not required, sports clothes and shoes are fine.

Costul stagiului:

 Seminary fee:

Pentru participarea la stagiu este necesara achitarea taxei in valoare de 450lei (100eur) cel tarziu in prima zi de desfasurare (9 mai). Locurile sunt limitate si ele vor fi ocupate in ordinea inscrierii. For attending the seminary all students must pay a fee of 450lei (100eur) no later than the first day of the event (9 May). Places are limited will be filled in the order of the registration.
Toti participantii la stagiu vor beneficia de o reducere de 50% din taxa lunara pentru cursurile noastre pentru urmatoarele 3 luni. All students who will register for the seminary will benefit a 50% discount on the monthly fee for the next 3 months.
Pe parcursul celor 3 luni mentionate mai sus programa antrenamentelor va fi modificata pentru aprofundarea cunostintelor dobandite in cadrul stagiului. During the 3 months mentioned above the training syllabus will be modified to deepen the knowledge aquired during the seminary.
Cursurile WDKF / WDP Romania sunt aliniate atat din punct de vedere al tehnicii cat si al metodei de antrenament scolii WDP China a carei programa o urmam, iar in perioada imediat urmatoare antrenamentele vor fi orientate pe tehnicile predate in cadrul „Fundamentals of Neijiaquan”. WDKF / WDP Romania training is aligned both in terms of techniques and method of training to the WDP school in China who’s syllabus we follow. In the next months training sessions will be oriented on better understanding what shall be given to us in „Fundamentals of Neijiaquan”.
Pentru inscrierea la stagiu prin site-ul principal Wudang Principles puteti scrie pe: For registering for the seminary directly with Wudang Principles main website you can message:
Inapoi la Pagina 1: Introducere Back to Page 1: Introduction
Inapoi la Pagina 2: Tematica stagiului Back to Page 2: Seminary Thematics
Inapoi la Pagina 3: Maestrul Ismet Himmet si WDP Back to Page 3: Master Ismet Himmet and WDP
Pagina 4: Conditii de participare, pret & bonusuri Page 4: Seminary fee
Pagina 5: Ce este WDP Page 5: What is WDP

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